Marcus Maia

Marcus Maia


MARCUS MAIA holds a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Southern California – USC, (1994). He completed postdoctoral studies in the area of ​​Language Processing as a visiting researcher at the City University of New York – CUNY (2003-2004). He has been a Visiting Professor at the Spanish and Portuguese Department and at the Language Acquisition Research Center of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in the first semester of 2012 and at the Department of Linguistics at Massey University, New Zealand, in the second semester of 2017. He is currently Professor of Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics and at the Graduate Program in Linguistics of the College of Letters of UFRJ. He is a Research Fellow, level 1C (CNPq) and was a Scientist of Our State (FAPERJ, 2015-2018). Founding member of the National Science Network for Education. He founded and coordinates the Laboratory of Experimental Psycholinguistics (LAPEX ). He works in the areas of Psycholinguistics, Theory and Linguistic Analysis and Brazilian Indigenous Languages, developing research on syntax and lexical processing, experimental syntax, Theory of Grammar, educational psycholinguistics, indigenous languages, indigenous education ​​and language revitalization.

All sessions by Marcus Maia

Opening Session

11 Nov 2019
Auditório da Biblioteca do Horto, Museu Nacional, Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro